We are a community of learners.  We believe that sharing experiences and interacting in open discussion with a critical eye, helps to grow knowledge.  We embrace constructivist thought in our approach to teaching and learning - meaning that "people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences." (Constructivism as a Paradigm for Learning, thirteen ed-online,  2007).

We are an entirely online experience.  That said, you will have to dedicate your self to stay in the moment.  This works best when you are serious about your teaching and learning.  Playing "catchup" works in grade school and high school, and perhaps even college.  It works when you are required to engage content and memorize it for an exam.  Here, we expect you to engage content - define it, embrace it, and synthesize it - know it!  You will do so with others who have taken time and resources to be here in this moment with you.  They are accountable to you, and you are accountable to them. 

Our teachers are best described as facilitators.  They will take you on a journey through your course.  You will be required to reflect on course materials through your blog and e-portfolio.  You will be required to engage others through discussion and feedback.  You will be required to provide additional materials to each discussion - take what we provide and expand on it.  You are required to build something from nothing - that is, you will have a project to develop alone and at times with peers.  The facilitators will connect with you often assuring that you are traveling the right path, and if not, they will gently push you in the right direction. 

You and your peers will assess each other and yourselves.  We will provide quizzes, projects, blogs, discussion and other assessment tools along the way to ensure you are learning and knowing the content.  Our primary method of evaluation will be formative in nature - helping you along the way - so that we are confident that when the end of the course arrives, the end of course project is stress free. 

We'll leave you with this West African proverb:  "He who does not know, can know from learning."